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托马斯·赫尔斯曼(Thomas Hülsmann)主要从事远程教育经济学研究,重点是开放与远程学习的成本效益研究。早期,赫尔斯曼作为德国技术联合会的工作人员,在非洲的一些国家从事数学教学工作长达十多年,并于1994年在马达加斯加开发数学教材时转入远程教育领域。目前,他就职于德国奥登堡大学远程教育中心。赫尔斯曼多年来综合前人的研究成果,开创了自成体系的远程教育的成本效益研究和实证研究方法,对欧洲多个国家的远程教育机构做了实证分析,取得了目前为止对远程教育成本效益分析最出色的实证分析成果。

【关键词】远程教育; 成本效益分析; 远程教育经济学





Does Distance Education Hold the Alleged Cost-efficiency?

——An Interview with Dr. Thomas Hülsmann


Journalist  WEI Zhihui &  ZHENG Qinhua


Editorial: For a long time, it is thought that distance education has the alleged costefficiencyWith the development of ICT,educational requirements, and online learning, does distance education still hold these advantages? With these questions ,we interviewed Dr. Thomas Hülsmann.

Dr. Thomas Hülsmann is one of the famous experts in the field of open and distance education who study economics and policy. He is currently with the Center for Distance Education and is a member of the Arbeitsstelle Fernstudienforschung, which is a joint venture of the School of Education and the Center for Distance Education at Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. His research interests include economics of distance education, cost-effectiveness of distance learning, policies for distance education, planning and evaluating systems of open and distance learning. His ideas and models about cost-effectiveness analysis on distance education are cited by many researchers and used by many practitioners.

Key words: distance education; cost-effectiveness analysis; economics of distance education

