



(广州广播电视大学 教育技术中心, 广东广州 510260)



【关键词】行动研究; 现代远程教育








On the Action Research for Teachers in Distance Education


NIU Lina


(Guangzhou Radio&TV University, Guangzhou 510260, China)


Abstract: According to the model of action research that was put forward by KLewin, this paper discusses that the course of action research has the qualities of self-organization, such as openness, concertedness, simplification and dynamic orderliness The paper also expatiates on the necessity of distance teacher doing action research After that, the paper points out that it is the powerful guarantee for teacher’s action research to enhance their ability of self-organization Therefore, the control section of school should adopt democratic administrant model and do what it can do to help teacher improve their ability of self-organization

Key words: action research;self-organization;modern distance education
