


杨改学  杨为民


(西北师范大学 教育技术与传播学院,甘肃兰州 730070)



【关键词】现代远程教育; 教育国际化; 资源共享; 大学社区; 智力援助







 Modern Distance Education: 

Promoting the Reform and Development of Higher Education


YANG Gaixue &  YANG Weimin


(College of Educational Technology and Communications,North West Normal University,Lanzhou 730070,China)


Abstract: In November of 2005, the first author of this article visited some colleges or universities in Europe, UNESCO and its Distance Education Committee, and paid more attention to the distance education in these countries. This article came from the author’s impression of the Europetrip and their reflection on the reform and development of Higher Education in China.

Key words: modern distance education; education internationalization; resource share; university community; intelligence assistance

