(华东师范大学 网络教育学院,上海 200062)
【关键词】远程教育; 支持服务环境; 教育服务质量
* 本文系全国教育科学 “十五”规划重点课题“以学习者为主体的远程教育支持服务体系研究”(DKA010352)和“网络教育资源整合的研究”(DCB030252)的阶段成果。
Construction of Support Service Environment
in Modern Distance Education
WU Yonghe
(Distance Education College & Modern Distance Education Research Center,
East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China)
Abstract: As distance education organization’s leading belief is service, how to construct a satisfactory support environment for learners? This paper thoroughly discusses the infrastructure of support environment for service in modern distance education, related to two elements: social humanity environment and scientific technology environmentIt has significant and social value to construct a support environment for service, build a quality management criterion for distance education for ensuring and improving the quality of Distance Education service.
Key words: distance education; support environment for service; quality of education service