姚群峰1 熊艳红2
(1.中国电信股份有限公司 北京研究院,北京 100035;
2.北京大学 信息管理系,北京 100871)
【关键词】网络教育; 市场现状; 问题; 发展趋势
Status, Problems and Trend of Online Education Market in China
YAO Qunfeng1 & XIONG Yanhong2
(1.Beijing Research Institute, China Telecom Corporation Limited,Beijing 100035,China;
2.Department of Information Management,Peking Universoty,Beijing 100871,China)
Abstract: The online education market in China has stepped into the developing stage. This paper firstly reviews the present situation of the global online education market. Then it analyses the status and the existing problems of the online education market in China. Finally, based on the study of the outside environment, this paper gives the forecast of the trend of the online education market in China.
Key words: online education; market status; problem; development trend