

王珠珠1  张伟远2


(1.中央电化教育馆,北京 100031; 2.香港大学 专业进修学院,香港)




【关键词】网上学习; 教师教育; 学习困难; 问卷调查





*  本文系香港裘槎基金会资助的“网上学习平台研究”的部分成果。


Survey on Online Learning Difficulties of In-service Teachers


WANG Zhuzhu1 & ZHANG Weiyuan2


(1.National Center for Educational Technology, Beijing 100031, China; 

2.School of Professional and Continuing Education, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)


Abstract: Online learning could provide flexible learning opportunities for inservice teachers, and improve the development of teachers' lifelong learning. However, which kinds of difficulties do the learners meet? The method of questionnaire survey was employed. The in-service teachers, who are leaning in Distance Education College at East China Normal University, participated in this study. 196 valid and returned questionnaires were received to discuss online learning difficulties of in-service teachers and influence factors. It wad found that online learning difficulties of in-service teachers include basic settlement, operating skills, resources and personal situation, and the influence factors include online instructor's capability, online learning environment and online learning support, etc. In the end ,the authors put forward some strategic advice to which online teaching colleagues could refer. 

Key words: online learning; teacher education; learning difficulties; questionnaire survey

