(北京大学 网络教育学院,北京 100871)
【关键词】现代远程高等教育;质量观; 质量保证; 质量标准; 质量评价
Quality Issues of Modern Distance LearningHOU Jianjun
(School of Distance Learning, Peking University, Beijing 100871,China)
Abstract: This paper discourses upon the differentiations of the pattern of modern distance learning and that of traditional higher education concerned with the development status of modern distance leaning and its quality issues of teaching It also discusses the significance of developing modern distance learning by research style universities, the quality assurance of modern distance learning, views of its quality at home and abroad, its quality standards and evaluation, and in addition several issues also posed to make clear during the course of its quality assurance and evaluation
Key words: modern distance learning; quality view; quality assurance; quality standards; quality evaluation