

杨敏1  万春2


(1.上海电视大学 文学艺术系,上海200433;

2.上海电视大学 宝山分校人文系,上海200433)















Social Culture Elements in Norms of American Distance Education


 YANG Min 1 & WANG Chun 2


(1.Literature Department, Shanghai TV University,Shanghai 200433, China; 

2.Bao Shan Branch, Shanghai TV University, Shanghai 200433, China)


Abstract: America, one of the most developed countries in education, takes democracy, practicality, science as its educational aim and general specialty. The most important reflection on American distance education system is that it forms quite perfect law and social norms. The paper tries to give an analysis from perspectire of cultural elements in American distance education norms so as to explare the close relationship between distance education and social culture.

Key words: American distance education; norms; social culture



