(上海电视大学 管理系, 上海 200433)
【作者简介】 刘玉梅,副教授,上海电视大学管理系。
On the Constructing Web-based Courses Based on
Distance Learners' Characteristics
LIU Yumei
(Shanghai TV University, Shanghai 200433,China)
Abstract: The low quality of webbased courses construction is one of the key factors that influence the development of modern distance education. At present, the main cause leading to the low quality of web-based courses construction lies in the lack of in-depth analysis of distance learners' characteristics, which thereby makes the finished web-based courses fail to meet the diversified demands of distance learners. This article, having distance learners majoring in education management in Shanghai TV University as research subject and adopting various research methods including literature study, questionnaire and detailed interviews, analyses in detail their general and learning characteristics and puts forward with a mode of webbased courses construction based on distance learners' characteristics
Key words: distance education;distance learners; distance learners' characteristics; web-based courses construction