

聂勤务  杨  清  赵劲强


(湖南科技大学,湖南湘潭 411201)


【摘要】目前,有很多的计算机支持的协同教学系统已经开发应用,但是这些系统都是使用客户端/服务器(C/S或B/S)计算模式来构建的。这种计算模式由于受单一服务器的计算能力及资源的限制,可扩展性较差;同时,系统可用性受服务器单点故障的影响,也很容易受到拒绝服务的攻击。本文提出了一种基于P2P计算模式的协同教学系统设计方案,以JXTA P2P网络平台为基础,对其协同工作中的几个关键问题进行研究分析,给出了系统框架的总体结构设计。文中提出的初步实例设计实现了一个典型的协同教学系统——虚拟教室,并对其性能进行了讨论分析。

【关键词】协同教学; 客户端/服务器; P2P; JXTA










【作者简介】聂勤务,硕士,湖南科技大学网络信息中心工程师,研究方向为软件工程、分布式系统、计算机网络和信息安全等;杨清,博士,湖南科技大学计算机科学与工程学院副教授,研究方向为计算机网络、人工智能及分布式技术等; 赵劲强,硕士,湖南科技大学网络信息中心工程师,研究方向为计算机网络、信息安全等。





Research on the Development of Collaborative Teaching and 

Learning Environment Based on P2P


NIE Qinwu, YANG Qing & ZHAO Jinqiang


(Center of Network Information, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan 411201, China) 


Abstract: Many teaching and learning systems supported by computer and collaborative teaching and learning system are put into practice. However, these systems are implemented using classic Client/Server or Browser/Server mode, whose extensibility is poor because the mode is restricted by its single server, whose resources and computing ability are too limited, moreover, it's vulnerable to DoS attack. This paper presents the design of a collaborative teaching and learning environment based on P2P.On the basis of JXTA P2P network platform,this paper studies the key technologies in constructing a collaborative teaching and learning system, providing the whole framework of collaborative teaching and learning system. Moreover, it implements a prototype of a collaborative teaching and learning system which named Virtual Classroom based on mixed P2P computing pattern, and analyzes a performance test.
Key words: Collaborative teaching and learning; client/server; P2P; JXTA


