


陈向东  曾燕燕  邢丹平


(上海师范大学 数理信息学院 上海 200234)


【摘要】 本文利用社会网络分析方法,对上海农林职业技术学院07级网络专业学生学习过程中的协作情况进行了量的分析,研究者从网络密度、小团体、中心性等角度探讨该班学生知识交流过程中的社会网络结构,并且基于社会网络理论提出了一些促进学生协作的建议。







*本文系国家社会科学基金资助项目“以计算机为媒介的知识交流评价方法研究”(项目编号:06BTQ028)、国家博士后基金资助项目“ 跨学科知识共享平台的开发与应用”(项目编号: 20060400370)课题成果之一。









The Research on Social Networks of Collaborative Learning

——A Case Study of a Class of AFC


CHEN Xiangdong, ZENG Yanyan&Xing Danping 


(Mathematics and Science College ,

Shanghai Normal University ,Shanghai 200234, China)


Abstract: This paper analyzed the students' collaborative learning situation of a class of Shanghai Vocational and Technical College of Agriculture and Forestry(AFC) by social network analysis(SNA), discussed the social networks structure of students' knowledge communication process from the angle of network density, clique and centrality, and gave some advices on how to promote collaborative learning .

Key words:collaborative learning; social network; social network analysis



