曾祥跃 赵过渡
(中山大学 网络教育学院,广东广州510275)
【摘要】 现代远程教育自试点工作以来,长期处于试点高校的边缘,其是否能逐步走向核心?本文认为,立足于高校现代远程教育发展现状,其当前地位边缘化有特定的条件和原因;但从社会发展、高校发展及现代远程教育自身发展等角度来看,现代远程教育必将从高校边缘走向核心;只是这一变化需要具备一定条件,将是一条充满艰辛和曲折的道路。
Development of Distance Education in Universities:
from the Edge to Core
ZENG Xiangyue & ZHAO Guodu
(School of Network Education, Sun Yatsen University, Guangzhou 510275,China)
Abstract: Since the modern distance education pilot in China was carried out, moderm disance education has on the ede of those pilot universities. This paper is focused on the subject whether modern distance education will be from edge to core of universities. Firstly,the paper analyzes the actuality and special reasons of modern distance education's edge postion. Then the author pornts that it is inevitable to tend towards the core of universities, with the development of society,universities and moden distance education.This process just needs some conditions and it will be hard and twising.
Key words: modern distance education;universities;edge;core