



(纽约州立大学 赫基默社区学院,美国)



【编者按】 比尔·佩尔茨博士是纽约州立大学赫基默社区学院(Herkimer County Community College)(HCCC)大学心理学教授。比尔·佩尔茨教授可以算作是HCCC大学的元老级教授,他是在1968年8月进入该校任教,第二年这所大学才开始正式运营。在38年的教学生涯中,他曾经担任过人文社科部主席,远程学习部主任等职,但是他一直没有中断他最热爱的事业——教学。1994年,他获得了“纽约州立大学系统校长优秀教学奖”;2003年,由于他在网络教学方面的尝试和出色的成果,获得斯隆基金会“SloanC 2003年度优秀网上教学奖”——这些大奖是对他在教学方面研究和钻研的肯定。佩尔茨发表了多篇论文,近年来,他的研究兴趣集中在学生和教师对网络异步教学的满意度方面的研究和实践,目前他正在研究在虚拟学习环境中有哪些教学因素影响学生的学业成就。除了担任全职的网络教师以外,佩尔茨还是HCCC网络学院的负责人,HCCC教学设计专家。此外,他还担任SLN的主要培训师,在过去的五年里,他已经把1000多名来自纽约州立大学系统各个大学的普通教师培养成了网络教师。他还代表纽约州立大学系统担任Merlot项目的心理学科代表,Merlot是美国高校开展的一项精品网络教学资源建设和共享计划,目的是建立美国高等教育精品资源库。











My Three Principles of Effective Online Pedagogy


Bill Pelz


(Herkimer Couty Commnity College,US)


Abstract: Bill Pelz is Professor of Psychology at Herkimer County Community College. He joined the faculty of HCCC in August of 1968, the second year the college was in operation. During his 36 year tenure at HCCC he has served as Chair of the Humanities and Social Science Division and Director of Distance Learning, but has always returned to his first love  teaching. In 1994 he was presented with the SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching, and in 2003 the SloanC Award for Excellence in Online Teaching  most cherished prizes. Bill has published an odd assortment of scholarly and academic articles, most recently focused on the area of student and faculty satisfaction with asynchronous teaching and learning. His current research interest is in isolating the pedagogical factors which influence student achievement in virtual learning environments. In addition to teaching fulltime on the Internet, Bill is also the Coordinator of the HCCC Internet Academy, the HCCC Campus Instructional Design Specialist, and the Lead Trainer for the SUNY Learning Network, having trained in excess of 1000 SUNY faculty during the past five years. He currently represents The State University of New York in the discipline of Psychology on the national Merlot Project, which is assembling a collection of high quality web-based learning objects for use in higher education.

Key wordsonline teaching;interaction;activity;assessment

