

韩永红  邵青山 


(西北师范大学,甘肃兰州 730070)


【摘要】 数字技术在不断加快全球文化同质化的同时,也给以它为核心的现代远程教育赋予了当代社会进行多元文化教育的最有效的功能。由于传统教育在历史习惯和时空等方面存在着进行多元文化教育的各种桎梏,不能构建不同民族文化深层次的课程展现模式,而形式多样的动态化数字文本却可以在教育机会均等、民族同一性、文化理解等多元文化教育方面虚拟出准实境化的、传统教育欠缺的、富有层次感的多维教育环境,以使远程学习者在核心价值、态度情感方面养成具有批判力的媒体素养。本文即是对现代远程教育日益作为工具和手段,在多元文化教育中具备的性质和功能的阐述。












Multicultural Education in Modern Distance Education


HAN Yonghong & SHAO Qingshan


(Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, China)


Abstract: While digital technique gradually increased the speed of global cultural homogenization, modern distance education on the basis of digital technique was endowed with the most effective function of carrying out multicultural education in contemporary society. Because of its different history idiom and spacetime shackle on carrying out multicultural education, traditional education was always unable to construct the deep curriculum exhibition model on the different national culture. But the various dynamic digital text can invent quasireal condition multidimensional educational environment which traditional education can't support on the aspects of multicultural education, such as equality of educational opportunity, national identity and cultural understanding, making distance learners to be with critical media literacy on the attitude and emotion in the field of their core value. With modern distance education becoming the instrument and method of multicultural education, this paper is to make a nature and function introduction of this course.

Key wordsdigital technique; modern distance education; multicultural education


