

贾  巍  杨晓宏


(西北师范大学教育技术与传播学院, 兰州 730070)









Thinking of Distance Education in Western Rural Area from 

Culture Perspective


JIA Wei  &  YANG Xiaohong


(The College of Educational Technology and Communication,

 Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070,China)


Abstract: In addition to management, technology, capital, resources, training and other factors, the author believe that the "test" Culture is the deepseated reasons for impeding.The development of modern distance education of rural schools , therefore, the "test" Culture should be firstly addressed and thought for the sustainable development of Distance Education of rural schools,the author will think of the modern distance education of rural schools from a cultural perspective , discuss its cultural essence and the cultural environment of it's survival, and put forward that culture fusion is the new way of the development of modern distance education of rural schools.

Key wordsdistance education for middle and primary school in rural area;culture;fusion

