


本刊特约记者 李艳   本刊记者  魏志慧



【编者按】在这个充满变革的时代,很多智者都在对未来教育的发展做着大胆的预测。我们本次访谈的美国马里兰大学教育学系的赞恩·贝格(Zane L. Berge)博士也提到,“我们社会中的工业生产模式正在被新的模式所替代,新模式的显著标志是依赖不断更新的技术、接触大量的信息、对人的更多关注以及从产品经济到服务经济……这些因素正深刻地改变着教育,而技术让许多非传统组织机构加入到高等教育成为可能,它们可以满足学生对传统课程提出的挑战。”然而,如何在教育和培训中最大化地利用技术以顺应时代变革的需求,是摆在教育工作者面前的一个重大课题。贝格博士在教育和培训领域的技术应用方面积累了大量丰富的经验,并有着独特深入的研究,包括远程教育障碍因素研究、企业远程培训、远程学习者的学习体验等等,而且他还是一位技术应用的身体力行者。我们期望广大读者能从我们与贝格博士的访谈中对如何在教育和培训中最大化地利用技术有所启发,从而促进教育的发展。








How to Maximize the Utilization of Technology in 

Education and Training

——The Interview with Dr. Zane L. Berge


JournalistLI Yan & WEI Zhihui


Editorial: In this changing society, numerous intellectuals have made bold forecasting about tomorrow’s education. As Dr. Zane L. Berge mentioned in this interview, “the mode of industrial production within our society is being replaced with models that rely on the rapid growth in technology, an increase in the accessibility of information, a more critically aware population, and a shift from the production of goods to a service economy. These factors are causing significant change in education as well. Technology is allowing nontraditional organizations involved in higher education to meet the curricular challenges many students are presenting.”However, how best to utilize technology to meet the changing demands is a big challenging facing today’s educators. Dr. Berge has accumulated abundant experiences in applying technologies in education and training arenas. Besides being a great IT practitioner, he has also done systematic research work in such areas as barriers to distance education, enterprising distance training, distance learners’ learning experiences, and so on. The interview aims to promote Chinese educational development by providing Chinese readers American experiences about how to maximize the utilization of technology in education and training.

Key wordsCMC; distance education; online learning; Barriers to distance education

