

胡  明  郑真江 


(中国政法大学 北京, 102249)









* 本项研究属于教育部哲学社会科学重大攻关课题项目(20032006)“中国公民人文素质现状调查与对策研究”(首席专家:石亚军教授,项目批准号:03JZD0028)的调查研究报告之一。


The Research on Teachers' Humanistic Quality


HU Ming & ZHENG Zhenjiang


(China University of Politic Science and Law, Beijing 102249,China )

Abstract: Education is the key to a project of vital and lasting importance Furthermore, teachers are made an integral part of educational cause Teachers' qualities directly influence on students' growth Based on the investigation of humanistic qualities of Chinese citizens, this thesis analyses teachers' humanistic quality and summarizes the foundation, development and extension of humanistic quality condition, from every perspective, such as morality, culture, law, science, aesthetics, environment protection and so on Additionally, it makes an analysis of the existing problem of teacher humanistic quality on consciousness, knowledge and behavior, and makes a suggestion on how to optimize teachers' humanistic quality

Key words: teacher; humanistic quality; strategy

