


本刊特派记者  翁朱华



【摘要】在终身学习背景下,把开放教育资源(OER)作为提高和扩大高等教育的参与程度、赋予学习者真正自主学习的权利、实现全民教育的有效手段,已经成为当前远程教育领域的新理念和新趋势,得到了联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)、国际开放与远程教育理事会(ICDE)、休利特基金会(Hewlett Foundation)等机构和欧美各国远程教育界的积极支持。今年在荷兰开放大学举行的国际开放与远程教育理事会常设校长会议,就是以此为主题而召开的一次高层论坛,本刊记者有幸随上海电视大学校长一行参会,概括并总结了本次会议的主要内容,以期对我国远程教育工作者有所裨益。








Open Educational Resources as an Instrument for 

Achieving Education for All

——Review of 2007 ICDE Standing Conference of Presidents


Journalist WENG Zhuhua


(Institute of Development and Research, Shanghai TV University, Shanghai 20086,China )


Abstract: Supported by international organizations such as UNESCO, Hewlett Foundation and International Council for Open and Distance Education, the Open educational resources has become a new trend in the field of ODL. The paper summarized the main contents of 2007 ICDE Standing Conference of Presidents held on June 3~4 in Heerlen, Nederland, which of theme was 'Open Educational Resources as an instrument for achieving education for all.

Key words:open educational resources;UNESCO; open university
