


本刊特约记者 李爽  本刊记者  魏志慧


【编者按】e-Learning的繁荣发展推动了新技术在远程教育课程设计与开发中的应用,促进了远程教育课程设计与开发从理念到方法上的变革。作为资深的课程设计专家,同时也是在线教学与学习的专家,罗宾·梅森(Robin Mason)教授在本次访谈中结合英国开放大学课程设计的经验和她的研究,在e-Learning和Web2.0背景下介绍了“以学生为中心”的教育理念指导下课程设计与学习评价的最新方法和技术。

梅森教授是早期探讨远程教育领域计算机会议技术的先驱之一,是享有国际威望的英国开放大学 “在线与远程教育”专业课程的主管,多年从事的在线课程设计、辅导和评价工作使其成为国际上课程设计领域和在线教学的知名专家,相关的研究论文和学术专著成果颇丰。近期,她所提出的基于学习对象的远程教育课程设计方法受到业界的普遍关注,在学习评价和电子学习档案袋、e-Learning的基本概念和理论等方面也都有独到建树。








Change in Distance Education Course Design and 

Learning Assessment Enhanced by ICTs

——The Interview with Prof. Robin Mason


Journalist LI Shuang & WEI Zhihui


Editorial: Editorial: The Bloom of elearning has pushed the applications of kinds of new ICTs in distance education course design and development, which promoting the change of distance education course from value to method. In this interview, Prof. Robin Mason, a senior specialist in course design and online teaching and learning in UKOU, will introduce us some novel studentcentered approaches in course design and learning assessment in the context of eLearning and Web2.0 technology, based on experiences in OUUK and her research.

Prof. Mason was one of the early pioneers in developing the medium of computer conferencing for distance education. She has worked extensively on the UKOU's maters program in online and distance education, as course developer, tutor and as director of the program. She has worked with many course teams across the OUUK in the design, touring and evaluation of online courses, which makes her a famous and active specialist in online course design in the world. She has published many academic products on this field. Recently, the holistic course design method using learning objects her team created has attracted much more attention of the education technology field and received success. Besides, she also has original insights in learning assessment, e-Portfolios, basic concepts and principles on e-learning.

Key words: course design; studentcentered; learning object; e-portfolios; distance education

