

吴晓云  刘侠  邓竹箐


(南开大学 商学院,天津 300071)










Developement and Experiences of National Excellent 

Course Project “Marketing Management”


WU Xiaoyun, LIU Xia & DENG Zhuqing


(Business School, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071,china)


Abstract: The construction of excellent course project is the main component in high school's education refinement, which aims at deepening the education reform and hastening the education modernization. Based on long-term practices in education and scientific research in Nankai Unverstity, the course of marketing management is established, the core of which is composed of four interwinded parts: databases of case study, advanced theory, electronic teaching materials and simulation of decision. The teaching team ensures the construction of excellent course project.

Key words: excellent course; marketing; construction


