



(衢州广播电视大学 教务处,浙江衢州 324000)











Case Study on the Cost Structure Of Open and Distance 

Education in Radio & TV University


BAO Riqin


(Quzhou Radio and TV University, Quzhou 324000, China)


Abstract: Based on the cost theory of economics of education and the characteristic of Radio & TV University's open and distance education, the author puts forward the cost structure analysis model for the central Radio & TV University, the provincial level Radio & TV University and the city level Radio & TV University. With this model, the author has demonstrated the cost structure of a city-level Radio & TV university during 2003-2006. The research discovers that the Radio & TV University's open and distance education results in the great benefits. The findings verifies the economic theory of traditional distance learning. At the same time, the author suggests the ways of cost control for the city level Radio & TV University.

Key words: case study; Radio & TV University; open and distance education; cost structure 


