

王大勇  牟景文


(唐山广播电视大学,河北唐山 063000)




【关键词】 远程学习者;自主学习能力;获得途径;认知策略;元认知









A Research on Self-regulated Learning Ability of Distance Learners


WANG Dayong &MU Jingwen


(Tangshan Radio and TV University, Tangshan 063000, China)


Abstract: The Self-regulated Learning Ability of Distance Learners has important impact on Distance Education quality. Whether the Distance Learners will succeed or not totally depends on it. By many means, this paper discussed the nature, elements, access approaches, development rules of Self-regulated Learning Ability and strategies of Distance Learners. The research will give guidance on developing Self-regulated Learning Ability of Distance Learners both in theory and practice.

Key words:distance learners; selfregulated learning ability; access approaches; cognitive strategies; metacognitive

