Applying Open Source Modelsto Open

Learning and Open Universities


R. J. Clougherty Jr.


(School for Graduate Studies, Empire State College, State University of NewYork, USA)


Abstract: We live in a world of rapid change. I can you’re your photo and post it permanently in the internet-the possibilities of what we can do with emerging technologies are endless. However, such details only scratch the surface if we are truly to take  the emergent world to its full possibilities, then we need not change just the technology, but we must change the thought processes beneath, behind, and beside them. Thus, while my topic is indeed the way in which open source software creates a model for open learning and open universities, we must begin with the idea of openness and allow that to be the base of its application to software, learning and universities.

Key words: open source software;open learning;open university

CLC numbersG642

Document codeA

Article ID1007-2179(2012)01-0114-04

The Author: R.J.CloughertyJr., Ph.D, Dean of School for Graduate Studies, EmpireState College, State University of NewYork (







