【中图分类号】G510  【文献标识码】A  【文章编号】1007-2179(2012)01-0027-06











Facilitating Student Exchange by Credit Transfer

And the Recognition of Prior Learning


Herma Bosch


(Deanof School of Management Science, Open University, Netherlands)


Abstract: Scholars like the famous Dutch scientist Erasmus who crisscrossed Europe and studied at several universities are considered as examples for students. Contrary to the habits in Erasmus' days, nowadays universities need accounts of their students' learning outcomes in other universities. A comprehensive system of credit transfer like the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) is able to meet the requirement. Its weakness and directions of future improvement will be discussed. However, a comprehensive system of credit transfer is not the only prerequisite to promote student mobility. The other prerequisite is a transparent system of recognition prior non-formal and informal learning, which we haven't reached agreement, yet.. This report will present the excellent practices from Western European Institutions, including the Open University of the
