【中图分类号】G510  【文献标识码】A  【文章编号】1007-2179(2012)01-0016-05












Lifelong Leaning Societyand the Academic Credit

Bank Systemin Korea




(Senior Research Fellow, National Institute for Lifelong Education, Korea)


Abstract: In lifelong learning society, the mechanisms such as extension of opportunity of higher education, enhancement of interchangeability between formal education and non-formal education, and recognition of prior learning become so crucial. Based on these, this paper lays out the background of the Academic Credit Bank System (ACBS) in Korea, The ACBS is a critical program to prepare for and adapt to the emerging knowledge-based economy, and the aging society with low fertility rate. The reasons behind successful development can be explained by the accessibility to educational institutes, flexibility of revisions of curriculum, development of various learning subjects, and the recognition of prior learning. Finally I suggest some challenges to be solved that the ACBS is facing. In order for a further progress for the ACBS in Korea, there requires recommendations such as appropriate accreditation for prior learning, funding methods for learners in ways of grants or scholarships, and the establishment of quality control system.
