

齐艳生  刘西平











Analysis of Reasons of Student Dropout in Open and

Distance Learning from Multi-perspectives


QI Yansheng & LIU Xiping


Dalian Radio and TV University,Dalian 116021,China


Abstract: With the development of ICTs, the modern open and distance learning has been rapidly developing in China. However, dropout rates are still high in most distance programs. This paper studies 42 associate degree students of a Business English class in Dalian Radio and TV University as the overall sample. Data were collected through continuous survey, interviewing tutors and three dropouts who reentered the program. Through qualitative research and inductive analysis, we aim to discover why distance education students abandon their studies. We then propose some countermeasures which aims at providing reflection and revelation for the distance education institutions on actions they could take to solve dropout problems. Results of this research can also help more learners to complete their studies and benefit from open and distance learning
