


特约记者 李 爽   本刊记者 魏志慧


【编者按】近年来,技术在教育中的应用日益成为教育领域关注的话题,也涌现了很多致力于将技术应用于教育的研究者和实践者。我们本期专访的黛安娜·劳瑞劳德(Diana Laurillard)教授就是这样一位横跨多个教育实践领域、建树颇丰的学者,她曾先后供职于英国萨里大学、英国开放大学、英国教育和能力部、伦敦大学等机构,积累了大量的、丰富的实践经验,对技术在教育中的应用有着独特的认识。她曾被联合国教科文组织前助理总干事约翰·丹尼尔爵士高度评价为世界上对学习技术的作用保持最清醒头脑的人士之一。








Technology in Higher Distance Education

——The Interview with Prof. Diana Laurillard


Journalist LI Shuang & WEI Zhihui


Editorial: Prof. Diana Laurillard is Chair of Learning with Digital Technologies at the London Knowledge Lab, part of the Institute of Education, University of London. Her main role is to lead research on elearning, and to build productive collaborative projects between the Lab, educators, the digital media industry and policymakers. Her work focuses on theory-based design of learning and teaching methods and resources, learners' conceptions and misconceptions and approaches to learning, flexible learning activity design tools for teachers, and cost-benefit modeling for the introduction of e-learning. Professor Laurillard previously held a threeyear term as Head of the e-Learning Strategy Unit at the UK Government's Department for Education and Skills. From 1995 to 2002, she held two terms of office as ProViceChancellor at the Open University. She has been a member of the Visiting Committee on IT at Harvard University, and a member of the Dearing Committee on Higher Education for the UK Government. This work has been recognized through her honorary degrees from the University of Abertay, the Open University of the Netherlands, and the University of Brighton. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and an Honorary Fellow of University College London. Her book 'Rethinking University Teaching' has been widely acclaimed, and is still used as a set book in courses on learning technology all over the world.

Key words: e-learning; learning technology; learning design; distance education
