

郑兰琴  杨开城





【关键词】协作学习; 阶段论;交互分析;信息流





*基金项目: 本文系全国教育科学“十二五”规划2011年度教育部青年项目“基于信息流的面对面协作学习交互分析方法的研究”(编号:ECA110330)研究成果之一,并受中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助。



Are There Distinctive Phases in Collaborative Learning?


ZHENG Lanqin & YANG Kaicheng


(R&D Center for Knowledge Engineering, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)


Abstract: The analysis of interaction process is a central issue in the study of collaborative learning. Lately, many researchers categorize interaction process into distinctive phases such as questions, statements, reflections, engaging comments, and quotations. They took the interaction process as the series of intentional actions and coded into different phases based on the theory of speech act. In fact, it can be challenging to code actions objectively because of the implicit n
