

贾义敏  詹春青


(华南师范大学未来教育研究中心,广东广州 510631







【作者简介】贾义敏,讲师,华南师范大学未来教育研究中心 (jiaym@scnu.edu.cn);詹春青,华南师范大学未来教育研究中心在读硕士研究生。


Situated Learning: A New Research Paradigm on Learning


JIA Yimin & ZHAN Chunqing


(Future Educational Research Center, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631,China)


Abstract: As a new learning paradigm, situated learning is one of the main research areas in learning sciences.With the rapid development of theory and practice, situated learning promotes deep changes in education and social organization. This paper reviews the history and the main factors of situated learning, summarizes the ideas of knowledge and learning in situated learning contexts, and dicusses its value in educational practice. At last, this paper addresses the implications of situated learning for education and the challenges that it faces in implementation.

Key words:situated cognition; situated learning; learing sciences; the community of practice; cognitive apprenticeship
