

任秀华  翟娜  杨晓敏




【摘要】合理接受网络协作交流工具,能提高师生交互效果,促进协作效率。为探讨网络协作学习中影响学习者接受交流工具的主要因素,本文根据技术接受模型(TAM)理论,提出了基于TAM 的协作交流工具接受行为模型,并对理论模型和研究假设进行了分析。研究结果表明,技术特征、任务特征和个体差异显著影响个体的感知有用性和感知易用性;学习环境显著影响个体的感知有用性和接受行为,感知有用性和感知易用性显著影响接受意愿,而接受意愿又对接受行为有显著影响。研究结果从实证角度对协作交流工具接受行为模型提供了支持,也为优化协作学习设计提供了依据。







An Empirical Study of Acceptance Behaviors of Communication

Tools in TAM-Based Online Collaborative Learning


REN Xiuhua, ZHAI Na & YANG Xiaomin


Research Center for Capital Higher Education Development, Bei Hang University, Beijing 100191, China


Abstract: Appropriate acceptance of online collaborative learning tools can improve interaction and collaboration between teachers and students. This study intends to investigate the influence factors on students acceptance behaviors of communication tools. Based on the technology acceptance model, we propose a model of acceptance behaviors of communication tools in online collaborative learning. In addition, this study verified the theoretical model and associated hypotheses. The results show that, technology characteristics, task characteristics, and individual differences canpositively influence learner's perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. Learning environment positively influences learner's perceived usefulness and acceptance behaviors, and both learner's perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use positively influence intention to acceptance. This study also discovers that intention to acceptance increases acceptance behaviors.

Key words: technology acceptance model; collaborative learning; communication tools
