

张家年  李怀龙  李晓岩










*基金项目: 本文系教育部人文社会科学青年基金研究项目“基于和谐、平等意义上的网络教育伦理研究”(课题编号:09JYC880041)研究成果之一。


On the Ethics of Online Education:An Exploration

from the Ethical Point of View


ZHANG Jianian, LI Huailong & LI Xiaoyan


(Educational College, Huaibei Normal University, Huaibei 235000, China)


Abstract: Online education has been one of the most important educational methods nowadays. Its advanced educational aproaches, modern educational tools, mediarich educational modality, and its multiple ways of evaluation contributed to an ethical vision of anytime anywhere learning. However, there is a lack of systematic studies on the practice of ethical phenomena, ethical behavior, and ethical process in online education. Considering this gap, this article brings forward the concept of ethics in online education, and points out the meaning of the research of ethics. In addition, it differentiates the types of ethics in online education. At the end, the article reviews the historical study from the ethical point of view, divides it into three hierarchies, and discusses corresponding contents of ethicsin online education. All these lay the foundation for the further research and practice of ethics online.

Key words: online education; education of cyber ethics; ethics;ethics of online education
