

佘燕云  杜文超











Progress on the Research of Educational Neuroscience

SHE Yanyun & DU Wenchao


Future Education Research Center, School of Information Technology in Education,

South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China


Abstract: Through exploring the brain mechanism of learning, Educational Neuroscience provides a physiological research perspective for the research of learning science. First, the paper gives a brief introduction of the connotation, the development, and the neuroimaging technologiesof Educational Neuroscience. Then it discusses the current research topics of Educational Neuroscience, including the research on the structure of the brain and its development, as well as the research on the brain mechanism of language learning, mathematics learning, and emotional development. Finally, the paper describes the difficulties facing Educational Neuroscience; and suggests direction for future research.

Key words: neuroscience; brain mechanism; cognitive neuroscience; educational neuroscience
