

何伏刚1   陈丽2


(1.中国人民公安大学 网络中心,北京 100038;2. 北京师范大学 教育技术学院,北京 100875)











Design and Study of Learning Activity for Web-based Course


HE Fugang1 &CHEN Li2


(1.Network & Information Center, Chinese People's Public Security University, Beijing 100038, China;

2.Institute of Distance Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)


Abstract: With the new development of e-learning in China, many web-based courses have been developed by a lot of education organizations. But all of these courses are short of pertinence and effective method to the design of learning activity. This paper aims to discuss the design method of learning activity of web-based course and the use of learning strategy according to the case of the design of the learning activity, for the reference of designer of the learning activity. This study uses action research as the main research method. To sum up, the effective design of learning activity of web-based course and the use of learning strategy can promote deep study of the students. Due to the complex characters of Chinese distance learners and the diversity of different subjects, the design of learning activities and using of learning strategies need to be enriched. Moreover, the study of web-based course design and development will improve the quality of e-learning remarkably.

Key words: distance education; webbased course; learning activity; design
