

李亚婉1  李莹2


1. 中央广播电视大学对外合作与交流处,北京 100031

2. 中央广播电视大学现代远程教育研究所,北京 100031










Approach on Internationalization of Curriculum

——Sino-British Joint Efforts for the Three Online Courses


LI Yawan1 & LI Ying2


1. International Cooperation and Exchange Division, The Open University of China, Beijing 100031,China;

2. Institute of Open and Distance Education, The Open University of China, Beijing 100031,China


Abstract: Aiming to introduce new concept and good practice and to enhance further exchanges and collaboration with the Open University of UK, the Open University of China (OUC) initiated a joint training program, which offers three courses to online tutors and academic managers: student support, tutoring online, and course design. The program has led to not only a new learning model and a new learning management system, but also new ideas and new assessment mechanism. The latter has created positive impact on the reform of teaching and learning in the OUC. This paper will examine the design of the program and its implementation, so as to explore the value of international collaboration. In addition, we report on the shortcomings of the program, so as to explore improvements needed to form a sounder cohesion between the collaborators.

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