

李克东1,2  谢幼如1,2


(1.华南师范大学教育信息技术学院,广东广州 510631;

2.广东省高等学校教育技术中心,广东广州 510631)









Qualitative Research on the Construction and Application

of Web-based Courses in Higher Education


LI Kedong1,2 & XIE Youru1,2


(1.School of Information Technology in Education,South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631,China;

2.Educational Technology Center of Guangdong Province's Higher Education Institntions, Guangzhou 510631,China)


Abstract: With a vision to step up the development of the construction and roll-out of online courses, the Educational Technology Center of Guangdong Provinces Higher Education Institntions collaborates with SUN-YAT-SEN University and other universities in Guangdong Province to carry out a project, called study of online course construction and implementation in higher education. This study applies the qualitative research method. Using grounded theory, this study generalizes a few application models for practical use and also describes characteristics
