

陈  健  闵华清


(华南理工大学 计算机科学与工程学院,广东广州 510006)










An Education Decision Support System based on Data Warehouse


CHEN Jian & MIN Huaqing


(School of Computer Science & Engineering, South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510006,China)


Abstract: It becomes a wellconcerned problem that how to retrieve the useful information which can reflect the real educational situation from huge amount educational data to provide reasonable support for decision. This paper presents a framework of an education decision support system based on data warehouse, which combines the technology of OLAP and OLAM. The system can store the education data effectively and manipulate data on multilevel and multidimensional satisfying the request of making education decision. Moreover, the education related rules will be revealed for highlevel decision making based on quantitative and scientific data.

Key words: online analytical processing; online analytical mining; education decision support
