

翟敬梅  徐晓  黄平  陈扬枝


(华南理工大学 机械与汽车工程学院,广东广州510640


    【摘要】远程监控实验教学模式是网络实验发展的趋势之一。本文研究了远程监控技术在远程实验的应用选择,认为B/S模式是适合远程实验教学系统的网络架构。针对远程监控实验特点,本研究将“学生与学习资源交互”、“学生与实验设备交互”、“学生与教师交互”和“学生与学生交互”四种交互方式与“完成实验”、“营造实验气氛” 、“构建协作学习情境”和“评价学生实验”等教学内容有效整合,形成实验“做”与“学”有效互动的教学设计方法,并根据参与实验教学活动的学生、教师和管理员三种角色,建立了学生模块、教师模块和管理员模块管理平台及其管理交互关系。最后,文章还通过一个实例分析了远程监控实验教学系统的开发。






Design of Web-based Remote Control in Experimental

Teaching System


ZHAI Jingmei, XU Xiao, HUANG Ping, & CHEN Yangzhi


School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640


Abstract: Web-based remote control in experimental teaching system is a trend in online education. This article studies the remote control technologies in the application of the remote experimental system, and analyzes if Brower/Server mode is a better framework for building network-based experimental systems. Based on the specialty of the remote control type experiments, the design of experiment implementation, experimental environment simulation, cooperative learning construction and student assessment is integrated through the interactions among experimental equipments, learning resources, teachers, and students. The authors describe an experiment management system that is established for the students, teachers and administrators who participates in the experimental activities. An example is given to illuminate the design and implementation of a remote-control type of experimental teaching system.

Key words: experiments in education; web-based remote control; experimental teaching design; experiment management
