The Meeting between the Participants is Recreated at 

a Distance in order to Create Deeper Understanding


Tore Persson1   GAO Shuting2


(1.Institute of International Eucation,Sockholm University,Sweden;

2.Swedish National Council of Adult Education,Sweden)


Abstract:This article is aiming to explain the characteristics of distance education within the special Swedish form of nonformal adult education that is provided by folk high schools and study associations. According to the philosophy within folk high schools and study associations, meetingbased learning is fundamental in a constructive learning process. Especially when the purpose of the studies is not limited to mechanical reproduction of information for a formal exam. Whenever there is a need for analysis, critical discussions etc many students need the group to reach a deeper understanding of the topic. Meetingbased learning has been the distinguishing feature for folk high schools and study associations for about a century. Now this meeting among the course participants is recreated in courses at a distance in order to create more flexible learning situations, deeper learning and good learner support.Gradually folk high school teachers and study circle leaders in Sweden have realized that it is possible to create good learning conditions at a distance with the help of modern ICT. They have also realized that it is possible to create virtual forums where the participants can meet, learn from each other and give each other good support. And it has become more and more clear that learning at a distance does not have to be the second best alternative, but that it has some qualities of its own compared to facetoface courses.

Key words: adult education;nonformal adult education;flexible learning

CLC nurnbersG729

Document codeA

Article ID1007-2179(2007)02-0061-06






托瑞·波尔森1  高淑婷


(1.国家成人教育委员会,瑞典; 2.斯德哥尔摩大学 国际教育研究所,瑞典)





