赵志群1 董艳2 武悦1
(1.北京师范大学职业与成人教育研究所,北京 100875;
2.北京师范大学 教育技术学院,北京 100875)
* 基金项目:本文系欧盟“亚洲联系”项目支持课题“关于课程开发的课程”的试验成果,项目编号:CN/ASIALINK/ 005(84893)。
Research and Development of A Comprehensive Training and
Learning System
ZHAO Zhiqun1, DONG Yan2 & WU Yue1
(1.Institute of Vocational and Adult Education, Bejing Normal University, Beijing 100875,China;
2.School of Educational Technology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)
Abstract: Affected by the traditional teaching theory, China's current technical and vocational school mainly teaches professional knowledge and skills. It has been difficult to cultivate high-caliber personnel for many enterprises, because those teaching activities are separated from the real work situation. This article describes how to use blended learning in the comprehensive professional training in economics and management, and how to develop a simulation enterprise learning system. This system aligns with design and action-oriented teaching principles and can therefore achieve good results in training practice.
Key words: simulation enterprise; blended learning; shaping-orientation; action-orientation |