(1.华东师范大学教育科学学院,上海 200062;
2.江西师范大学 传播学院, 江西南昌 330022)
An Exploration of Educational and Learning Principles
from the Information Perspective
HUANG Jingbi1,2
(1.School of Education Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062,China;
2.Community College, Jiangxi Normal University,Nanchang 330022,China)
Abstract: Dozens of elaborations on education principles are found as we analyze the educational literature by contents analysis method. This indicates that these education principles are not well systematized, and some even show divergence, which are unfit for the current educational informationalization. Besides, from the viewpoint of dialectical cognitive theory, our understanding of educational principle needs developing and perfecting according to the situation. Therefore, in the context of current educational informationalization background, this paper, in the light of information system theory, makes an attempt to reconstruct these education principles into a general framework, based on the definition of the boundary and key functions of education research. It also redefines the essence of education as "a system for human culture interaction". The seven elements of the system, educator, learner, education content, education method, education media, education interaction, and education engineering further extend to derive the ed |