




(南京大学   教育研究院 ,江苏南京 210093)








Transforming American Education: Learning

Powered by Technology

——Interpretation and Analysis of National Educational Technology

Plan 2010 in the U.S.


LIANG Linmei


(Graduate School of Education, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093,China)


Abstract: In March 2010, the Office of Educational Technology, U.S. Department of Education, published the draft of  National Educational Technology Plan 2010. The new plan has two foundations: Information Technology and Learning Sciences. And it addresses six essential areas of America's K-16 education system: learning, assessment, teaching, infrastructure, productivity and R&D. The main goal of this new plan is to redesign and transform education in the U.S., to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, and flexibility of its technology-based K-16 education system.

Key words: Americas educational system; National Educational Technology Plan 2010; information technology; learning sciences; K-16 system; transformation
