

张吉先  方志刚









*基金项目: 本文系浙江省新世纪高等教育教学改革研究项目“数字化学习环境下农民大学生培养模式研究”(项目编号:yb07078)成果之一。


Research and Practice of A Model in Teaching Farmer

College Students in the Digital Learning Environment


ZHANG Jixian1 & FANG Zhigang2


Zhejiang Radio and TV University, Hangzhou 310030China


Abstract: As a new wave of continuing education, teaching to college students (who are farmers) in the digital learning environment needs thorough research. Researchers and practitioners should consider the demand for talents in the rural areas and also the characteristics of these farmers. This paper researches the target in cultivating farmer college students, and the construction of digital learning platforms based on multinetwork convergence technologies, resource allocation models, and teaching styles. Our research discovers that the innovation system of farmer education system has achieved remarkable results in practice.

Key words: digital learning; farmer college students; teaching model
