



(南京大学  教育科学与管理系,江苏南京210093)







A Comparative Study of the 2nd and the 1st Edition of American

 National Educational Technology Standards for Administrators


QIN Weiwei


(Institute of Education, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China)


Abstract: The International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE) released the second edition of American National Standards of Educational Technology for Administrators (NETS·A) at the 30th National Education Computing Conference in June, 2009. It has been seven years since ISTE published the first edition of NETS·A in 2002. This study compares the similarities and differences between the primary categaries and performance indicators in these two editions. It discusses the possible internal causes and external contexts of the launch of the new NETS·A, and explores its potential implications for the establishment of Standards of Educational Technology for Administrators in China, as well as the enlightenment for educational informationization in China.

Key words:ISTE; NETS; educational administrators; education informatization

