

张燕南1  张力2  周涛2  章国英1


1.第二军医大学 外语教研室,上海200433

2.第二军医大学 教育技术中心,上海 200433







An Empirical Study of the Influence of Learning Styles on

 Student Performance in Online Learning


ZHANG Yannan1,ZHANG Li2,ZHOU Tao2 &ZHANG Guoying1


(1.Department of Foreign LanguagesSecond Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433,China;

2.Center of Educational TechnologySecond Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433,China)


Abstract: Based on Kolb's learning styles theory, this empirical study explores the effect of studentslearning styles on their performance in an online course offered at a military academy in Shanghai. Data were collected through the use of questionnaires, interviews, and surveys. And the results reveal a correlation between the evaluation of online courses and online learning performance among learners with different learning styles. The study has implications for better designing online courses,for instance, to assess students’ learning styles at the beginning of the class and to design course content and activities to accommodate their learning styles.

Key words:learning style online course learner performance

