




(温州医学院 英语系,浙江温州 325000


    【摘要】本研究通过”跨太平洋网络实时互动课堂”(Trans-Pacific Interactive Classroom,简称TPIC)教学平台,利用项目教学法试图把美国面对面课堂和中国网络远程课堂融为一体,并深入探索了中美师生实时互动教学的可行性和决定因素。研究发现影响中美师生实时同步交互教学实施的重要因素,包括授课教师的网络远程教学知识、把中美课堂融为一体的教学技能、对中美学生文化和课程知识差异的意识和处理能力、互动教学的建构,以及中美教师的合作。






Integrating Online and Face-to-Face Teaching:

An Empirical Study of Synchronous and Interactive Learning

in the Trans-Pacific Interactive Classroom


YANG Desheng


(Department of English, Wenzhou Medical College, Wenzhou 325000,China)


Abstract: This article explores the feasibility and influential factors in using project-based learning in both online and face-to-face classrooms, through an empirical study of the TransPacific Interactive Classroom (TPIC), a teaching platform between the two universities in China and the U.S. This qualitative study reveals that instructors’ knowledge of online learning models and skills in seamlessly blending the online and face-to-face classrooms are vital to the successful carryout of this synchronous and cross-cultural interactive curriculum. In addition, the instructors need to be aware of cultural and knowledge differences among the students, and need to be able to effectively manage the differences. Other crucial factors include the formation of interactive learning among students, and the collaboration among instructors from both sides.

Key words:the project approach online learning
