

钟柏昌  李艺


(南京师范大学教育科学学院,南京 210097






    *基金项目: 本文系江苏省教育科学“十一五”规划青年资助课题“新科学观与教育科学的再认识研究”(课题编号:C-a-2008-01-003)研究成果。


Education’s Scientific Status from a Perspective of

Modern Systematic Science


ZHONG Baichang & LI Yi


School of Education Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097,China


Abstract: The development of modern systems science has put heavy impact on sciences connotations. For instance, scientific knowledge includes our cognition of irreversibility, uncertaintyautonomy, and emergence etc. And the evolution of scientific knowledge is also irreversible, uncertainautonomic, and emergent. In addition, science activities are being advocated to adopt theory of holistic generation. In the view of new science’s connotation, education belongs to the sphere of science, but it is still not a mature science. Therefore, the problem of “education is not a science” should be changed to “education is not a mature science”, and then transform to “how to raise education’s scientific level by using systems science”.

Key words: educationeducation sciencesystems sciencetheory of holistic generation
