


本刊特约记者  袁莉  余平  本刊记者  魏志慧


【编者按】这是一个呼吁开放、共享的时代,开放与共享的思想已经渗透各个领域,例如,计算机领域出现了开源软件,教育领域出现了开放教育资源。自2001年美国麻省理工学院开创性地提出开放教育课件以来,开放教育资源迅速在全球推广开来,并形成了一场运动,很多国际组织、国家和大学都纷纷参与到这场运动中。英国开放大学的Openlearn项目等都被认为是开放教育资源运动的先行者,这些都是大学层面的开放教育资源实践,同时很多国家的政府也意识到开放教育资源的重要性,从国家层面力推开放教育资源,如中国的精品课程、英国开放教育资源(UKOER)项目等。一方面,开放教育资源可以让普通民众免费获取优质、丰富的学习资源,这对教育公平化、民主化有着深远的意义;另一方面,对于这些提供开放教育资源的机构来说,也是一个很好的开放发展的机会。然而,开放教育资源发展过程中也碰到了很多问题,例如可持续性发展、稳定的资金来源、技术难点、版权所有等等。本次受访者马尔科姆·里德博士自19937月以来担任英国联合信息系统委员会(Joint Information Systems Committee,简称JISC①)的执行秘书长,除此之外,他一直十分关注16岁之后人群的教育和研究中的ICT政策与战略发展。他还大量参与有关国际ICT基础设施的活动。2009年在英国女王寿辰典礼中被授予荣誉勋章。而英国开放教育资源项目正是由JISC和高等教育委员会(The Higher Education Academy)代表英国高等教育资金委员会(Higher Education Founding Council for England,简称HEFCE)来进行管理的。希望里德博士对英国乃至世界开放教育资源发展现状的介绍和分析,对中国开放教育资源的可持续发展有所启发。








The Sustainable Development of Open Education Resources

——An Interview of Dr. Malcolm Read


Journalist YUAN Li, YU Ping & WEI Zhihui



Editorial: This is an era for open sharing of knowledge, such as open source software in the field of ICT, and open education resources in education. In 2001, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) put forward the OCW, and then open education resources (OER) spread in the world and form a movement in which many international organizations, countries, and universities have participated. The projects, such as OCW of MIT and OpenLearn of Open University, have been considered the pioneer of open education resources (OER) movement. Besides universitybased practice of OER, many governments have realized the importance of OER and launched the national level educational resources, such as the excellent courses in China, the Open educational resources in UK (UKOER). People could have access to quality learning recourses with OER, which would promote educational equity and democratization. On the other hand, it is a good opportunity for the institutions that provide OER to develop openly.

  However, there are also many problems in OER’s development process, such as sustainable development, stable sources of funding, technical difficulties, copyright, etc.  In this interview, Dr. Malcolm Read introduced the progress and experience of OER in the United Kingdom. Dr. Read is the executive secretary of JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee), and UKOER are managed by the JISC and the Higher Education Academy on behalf of UK Higher Education Funding Council (HEFCE). We hope
