




上海远程教育集团主任上海电视大学校长   张德明



    * 本文系作者在“2010非洲国家高级教育官员研修班暨开放远程教育国际大讲座”上的主题报告。


Higher Education Endowed with Wings of ICTs

——The Development and Challenges of Open and Distance Education in Shanghai


ZHANG Deming


 (President of Shanghai TV University)


Abstract: Information and communication technologies (ICTs) play an "engine" role in promoting higher education, education equity and educational innovation. Based on the case of Shanghai TV University, the speech presents Shanghai TVU's experience of using ICTs to promote open and distance higher education. The speech includes three parts: the first part is about the challenges facing Shanghai's urban development and the strategic choice of Shanghai TV University; the second part summarizes the practice and achievements of Shanghai TV University in the establishment of the public system of digital lifelong learning; and finally, the speech focus on some problems and prospects such as new technology and old technology, hard technology and soft technology, input and output and quality and scale.
