



南非大学校长    巴尼·皮特亚纳



     * 本文系作者在“2010非洲国家高级教育官员研修班暨开放远程教育国际大讲座”上的主题报告。



The University of South Africa: Advancing ODL on the Continent


Nyameko Barney Pityana


 (Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of South Africa)


Abstract: South Africa has an important and strategic role to play in advancing open and distance learning on the Continent.While increased access to higher education on the Continent remains an underlying imperative, both Unisa and the ACDE are resolved that this should not be done at the expense of quality: in respect of the calibre of students that ODL produces; courseware content; teaching and learning; and learner support. In pursuit of these goalsUnisa has engaged in a number of collaborations, quality assurance efforts and data analyses both at the institutional and continental level.  At an institutional levelUnisa aims to increase its impact on and contribution to ODL through collaborative partnerships, a leading edge quality regimen, and the thoughtful aggregation of data in order to facilitate the best possible decision making for growth and development within the national policy environment.  At a continental level Unisa is actively engaged in initiatives.

