



美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学教授   迈克尔·穆尔







The Dynamics of Networking: Pedagogy and Organization


Micheal Grahame Moore


(Professor of Education Department,Pennsylvania State University,U.S.A.)


Abstract: Distance education has been organized in different ways at different times and in different places. The most obvious difference has been between those countries that have employed a dual mode form of organization and those favoring a single mode approach. A new organizational form that is potentially more efficient than either of these is based on the concept of the network. The general principle is that national networks will draw on the best resources regardless of where they are located, i.e. the content experts, instructional designers the full range of communications technologies, and the resources needed to provide a learner support system, and configure whatever mixture is needed for a particular program or project on a flexible, open, "mix and match" basis. The only permanent agency would be a small management unit whose responsibility is to commission, on a contractual basis, the mixture of personnel and other resources needed for each particular project. The presentation will elaborate on this concept of a network organization and give some early examples.
